Today, what a BIG day! David and I had tea at a Swedish fellow’s home this morning, sitting on metal chairs the shape of an eye. We sat there, me feeling like I was in alice and wonderland. Except in this case it was Holgar’s wonderland. Previous evening he had given me a beautiful sparkly ring, after seeing how much I enjoyed looking at it on my finger. He likes things that sway in the breeze, sparkle with the sun and spending his time at one of his four workshops all over Europe. He is a special fellow and conversation was stimulated by a genuine interest to know about david and I.
David and I then walked over to the school which had been made from the remains of a big castle, most all the building have been made from these remains. There we met with an old cousin from the Hoeppner side of the family. Nina is a sweet woman who has taken care of david and I so generously, helped move conversation and translate for us. When finding out we hadn’t eaten breakfast yet she quickly sent someone to get us something to eat. Fresh bread thick with a layer of margarine topped with chived quark and cucumber. We were trying to get more information about Carl Fredrick Wilhelm Hoeppner. There was about five of us studying the papers, it was beautiful to see the folk gathering talking, communicating, and uniting to help us in our mission. After not getting far, only far enough to know that this distant cousin doesn’t know anything about Carl Hoeppner our distant cousin showed us around the woodshop. We all were using hand motions to help communicate. It felt like an advanced game of charades, cept no teams this time. J
Then off david and I went to a church that was built in 1783! They are doing construction on it peeling back the layers of time. We went inside, awed at the simple but intricate designs. I love the pews, they were tall and you open a little door to slip inside taking your seat for worship. After taking loads of pictures we came back to the school where I had the opportunity to go to the local kindergarten and play. They had just gotten up from their naps and their eyes widened at the sight of me. First they were hesitant then we started to play, bouncing balls, putting on hats and scarfs laughing at our reflections in a bent mirror. They gathered in front of me where I led them in a yoga activity. First putting our hands over our hearts, breathing deeply, inhaling, our bellies rising. Then exhaling all the air out, by swingin our heads downward towards our feet, swinging to and fro. They liked that! We stretched, lifting our hands to the sky, leading them in sun salutation, and I taught them a song. One of those call back songs, their eyes were bright and big smiles were abounding. They quickly got comfortable with me, sitting in my lap and jumping into my arms. I love children, I love love love them. Why do I love them, being with them? Because I get to play, because they remind me of who I am, because they remind me of so many qualities that are so often lost when growing up. They remind me to stay tender and supple.
David and I later were driven to a nearby priest’s home who has all the records that were kept by the church. Our search began and grew! We found where Carl Hoeppner was born when, his parents and continued down the line! It was magical, now the work shall go forward, freeing my ancestors from spiritual prison, letting them move forward and progress. I could feel the sweet spirit as we searched through these old records dating back to 1713, we were flipping through the pages!!! The work is not over and will continue, this is our duty to help our ancestors return home.
I continue to learn many things about the way I live my life by traveling. I remember to let go! I have a plan and so does God. The more I go with the flow the more peace I feel and joy that comes. Also sometimes I start having discouraging thoughts or feeling, as soon as these start to crept their way in, I give them no room to grow but put them out with thoughts of gratitude. It’s amazing how the spirit enters and warmth floods my body putting all at ease. Prayers are answered and we are never alone. This I know! J
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